Saturday, June 19, 2010


E-commerce : suatu cara belanja atau berdagang secara online atau direct selling yang memanfaatkan fasilitas jaringan internet dimana terdapat website yang dapat menyediakan layanan “get & deliver”.

Proses yang ada di dalam E-commerce adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Presentasi elektronis untuk produk dan jasa yang dijual/ditawarkan;
  • Pemesanan secara langsung dan tersedianya tagihan
  • Otomasi dan otorisasi account pelanggan secara aman (baik no rekening ataupun kartu kredit)
  • Pembayaran dilakukan secara langsung (online)

Alur proses E-commerce :


Penjelasan dari e-commerce di Web dalam bahasa Inggris:

  • Using electronic information technologies on the Internet to allow direct selling and automatic processing of purchases between parties.
  • A system used to conduct business transactions of buying and selling goods and services over a computer network.
  • Any on-line transaction of buying and selling where business is done via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
  • Electronic- or e-commerce has become the umbrella term used to cover any transaction conducted over the Internet. Examples of such transactions include purchasing books, medical supplies, any products and services and transmitting prescriptions and claims.
  • Electronic Commerce - the sale and purchase of goods or services over the Internet.
  • business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet. This commerce can be between two businesses (commonly referred to as B2B) or between a business and a consumer (commonly referred to as B2C).
  • Electronic exchange of value between a business and its partners, suppliers, and customers.
  • is the conducting commercial transactions on the internet where goods, information or services are bought and then paid for.
  • E-commerce means selling products and / or services on the Internet.
  • Conducting business on-line through the Internet.
  • The ability to shop and exchange funds electronically online via the internet or a network. Simply put the ability to buy and sell on the internet.
  • Electronic commerce: commerce via the Internet.
  • E-commerce (or electronic commerce) is any business transaction whose price or essential terms were negotiated over an online system such as an Internet, Extranet, Electronic Data Interchange network, or electronic mail system. …
  • the exchange of goods, information products, or services via an electronic medium such as the Internet. Enterprise: A venture characterized by innovation, creativity, dynamism, and risk. An enterprise can consist of one project, or may refer to an entire organization.
  • e-Commerce is the term for electronic business transactions, commerce or Internet trade. e-Commerce or e-business, therefore, refers to the business transactions between companies (B2B) or between companies and their customers (B2C) that are wholly or partially conducted over the Internet or …
  • commerce transacted electronically over the Internet
  • A broad term encompassing the remote procurement and payment by businesses or consumers of goods and services through electronic systems such as the Internet.
  • The use of the Internet, especially the World Wide Web, as a commercial sales and marketing medium.
  • (electronic commerce) - transactions which are conducted over an electronic network where the buyer and merchant are not at the same physical location eg the buying of books on the internet. For more information please see ‘Your money and the internet’ in the BBA leaflets section of this website.
  • The means by which people conduct business online - trading money for services. The process of taking money via credit card transactions, PayPal and other forms of payment - in exchange for a service or product sold via the internet, is E-Commerce.
  • Performing business transactions on the Internet - which may include the use of credit cards, ’shopping trolleys’, forms, and secure servers. - View the Wikipeida full summary for E-commerce
  • Exchange of information via the Internet from business processes between two or more entities.
  • The act of conducting business on-line, e-commerce may include buying and selling products with digital cash and via electronic data interchange.
  • E-commerce is simply buying things over the Internet. See our FAQ for more details.
  • Electronic Commerce, allowing customers to purchase items and conduct financial transactions over the Internet safely and securely.
  • commerce conducted electronically (as on the internet)

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